Exporter:  Vortex
Exporter:  Diolase
Exporter:  YeniExpo
Exporter:  Vortex
Exporter:  YeniExpo
Exporter:  YeniExpo
Exporter:  YeniExpo
Exporter:  YeniExpo
Exporter:  Karamgroup
Exporter:  YeniExpo
Exporter:  Vortex
Exporter:  Vortex
Exporter:  YeniExpo

Auxiliaries and Other Medicinal Chemicals

Discover the Versatile Taxus brevifolia f x Solutions for You...

Original price was: $2,000.Current price is: $1,800.
Exporter:  Karamgroup
Original price was: $4,000.Current price is: $3,500.
Exporter:  Karamgroup
Exporter:  Vortex
Exporter:  Vortex
Exporter:  Levana
Exporter:  AivdBiotech
Exporter:  Diolase

Injection & Puncture Instrument

Inovenso Laboratory Syringe Pump IPS-14-R...

Original price was: $1,430.Current price is: $1,320.
Exporter:  Inovenso
Original price was: $30.Current price is: $25.
Exporter:  Vortex

Turkish Healthcare

Conveniently located in the heart of three continents, Turkey is the rising star of international wellness and health industry, with her dynamic and skilled workforce, intensive investments, booming number of hospitals and medical institutions, and extensive healthcare services. Unsurprisingly, the medical product and pharmaceutical industries are both thriving to become the impeccable healthcare services provided to millions from all around the globe.

Intensive R&D projects, cost benefits and good logistics all contribute to Turkey’s innovative strengths and solid know-how to enable the best of medical and pharmaceutical products and technologies for the common good of mankind.

Approximately 6,000 companies operate in the medical device and disposables market in Turkey. Local manufacturers primarily manufacture disposables, orthopedic implants, surgical tools, stents, prosthetics, surgical gowns, masks and drapes and hospital furniture. In early May 2020, after the pandemic hit, a Turkish consortium led by technology company Biosys launched the first local mechanical ventilator which was immediately installed in new health campuses.

Development and manufacturing of laboratory reagents is are also growing in Turkey; now close to ten Turkish diagnostics companies have developed COVID-19 tests. In general, all major categories of medical equipment are present in the market, both in private and public hospitals. At this point, they seek state-of-the-art and innovative medical equipment and solutions.

Import Export

Turkey imports and exports the following medical equipment and devices:

  • Advanced pre-screening and diagnostics devices
  • Advanced imaging equipment
  • Advanced point-of-care devices
  • Advanced surgical devices
  • Cancer treatment systems
  • Wound management devices
  • Dental equipment
  • Robotic surgery equipment
  • Radiation oncology devices
  • Mechanical ventilators
  • Health IT solutions, especially for critical decision-making processes
  • Remote patient monitoring devices
  • Telemedicine systems
  • Contact tracing systems
  • Facial Recognition Software for Contactless Patient Experience


Total bed capacity in Turkish hospitals exceeds 200,000. Privatization and transformation of the healthcare system with the establishment of new healthcare facilities under the PPP model, and ongoing MoH hospital projects present opportunities for U.S. companies involved in medical technologies and services.

As Turkey continues to expand the number of private and public hospitals, purchases of advanced medical equipment will continue. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, large private hospital chains have adopted telemedicine and virtual care solutions.

This trend is expected to continue in the coming years. Given the prevalence of chronic illnesses in the society, and as a result of the pandemic, remote monitoring solutions to track patients will gain importance.