Exploring the in

Welcome back to another episode of “Fetty: Reptiles, Feathers, and Fur.” In this week's episode, we had the opportunity to explore a variety of wildlife in Turkey, from lizards to birds and turtles. Let's dive into the fascinating world of Turkish wildlife and the unique creatures that call this region home.

Discovering a Diverse Range of Lizards

In the previous episode, we encountered a few lizards known as “ketene kalila” in Turkish. However, this week, we stumbled upon a diverse group of lizards known as a “loved up lounge of lizards.” It's incredible to witness the activity of these creatures, especially during the blooming season when the flowers attract bees, which are vital to the planet's ecosystem.

Spotting Migrating Birds and Unique Storks

As the season progresses, migrating birds have returned to the region, making nests and showcasing their magnificent wingspans. One particular bird that caught our attention was the “leylik,” also known as the stork. Observing these birds in the vicinity of the ancient ruins of Tillis was truly captivating.

Encountering the Fascinating Caspian Turtle

Exploring the streams and rivers in the area led to the discovery of the “Giller Kaplan bara,” also known as the Caspian turtle or stripe-neck terrapin. Despite their cute appearance, these turtles are formidable hunters with a powerful beak. Additionally, their saliva and shell can harbor Salmonella, making them potentially dangerous.

Challenges Faced by Red-Eared Sliders

One popular pet turtle, the red-eared slider, originating from South America, has been found in streams throughout Europe. Unfortunately, due to their biting behavior, many owners release them into the wild, posing a threat to the local ecosystem. It is essential to understand the impact of releasing non-native species into the environment.

Identifying the Rudy Turn Stone

In our previous episode, we presented a bird and asked viewers to guess its identity. The “attache evarin” in Turkish is known as the “rudy turn stone.” Witnessing these birds turning over stones was an intriguing experience, showcasing the unique behaviors of avian species in Turkey.

Join the Conversation

We hope you enjoyed this week's episode as we delved into the diverse wildlife of Turkey. We encourage you to share your thoughts and insights by commenting below. Thank you for watching and stay tuned for more fascinating encounters with reptiles, feathers, and fur.

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