Exporter:  Öz Malatya
Exporter:  Ege
Exporter:  Kuzucu
Exporter:  Kale
Exporter:  MFK
Exporter:  Granit
Exporter:  YeniExpo
Exporter:  Ege
Exporter:  YeniExpo
Exporter:  Granit
Exporter:  YeniExpo
Exporter:  Kale
Exporter:  Turac
Exporter:  Turac
Exporter:  Granit
Exporter:  Turac
Original price was: $75.Current price is: $50.
Exporter:  AAWireless
Exporter:  Sunny
Exporter:  Alves Kablo
Exporter:  Kale
Exporter:  Kale
Exporter:  Granit
Exporter:  Cukurova
Exporter:  Omak

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Exporter:  Omak
Exporter:  Alves Kablo


The export volume of the appliance goods main industry has risen up to USD4 billion. When LCD and panel TVs are added, this figure exceeds USD6 billion. 66% of these exports are being made to EU countries.

Notwithstanding the fact that EU is the most important market for the sector, Turkish manufacturers have the ability to reach almost all countries with their production facilities located especially at Russia and China.

High Quality Electrical Appliances from Turkish Suppliers, Exporters and Manufacturer Companies in Turkey.


  • Turkey became the second largest producer of major appliances in the world in 2011, after China, overtaking the US, which is now fourth after Brazil.
  • Italy remains in the top 10 but was the largest loser over the review period, dropping from fourth position to rank only eighth in 2014.
  • Poland and Turkey absorbed a large part of Italian production, with Whirlpool, Indesit, Electrolux and Candy relocating.
  • South Korea continues lose production output to neighboring low-cost manufacturing hubs.
  • Brazil is Latin America’s main producer and the world’s third largest, after China and Turkey. During the review period it grew at a 5% CAGR, despite seeing a significant slowdown in 2013 and 2014, as the government’s IPI incentive ended.



In appliance exports, Turkey ranks 5th after China, Mexico, Germany and Poland. The countries the Appliance Supply Industry mostly exports to are UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Iraq respectively.


Turkey boasts a significant advantage in trade thanks to its close distance to Europe as well as the recently fast developing markets of the Middle East and Central Asia.

African market, where appliance goods ownership is very low and an increase in demand is expected, also carries importance for the future.

Turkey is turning into a vital base of supply for the main industry which feels the need to establish production facilities both in EU and in other markets.