Today's Sea Black Sea Hazelnut and ' Association constitute the core Exporters Association was founded in 1940 in Hazelnut Exporters Union as being at the center of Giresun.

With the establishment of Istanbul Hazelnut Exporters Union in 1951, it was named as the Black Sea Hazelnut Exporters Union. In 1986, it was named as the Black Sea Hazelnut and Products Exporters Union.

With the Law No. 4059 on the Organization and Duties of the Undersecretariat of Treasury and Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade published in the Official Gazette dated 20.12.1994 and numbered 22147, it has been included among the affiliates of the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade together with other Exporters Unions in our country.

Following the need for increasing the export of products other than nuts and products from our region as a result of the changes that occurred following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the exportation of Black Sea Grain Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Exporters Union and Black Sea Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters Union was established and parallel to this development, the name of our General Secretariat was changed to Black Sea Exporters Union.


To conduct studies on foreign trade issues; to protect and improve the interests of the members of public institutions and organizations, non-governmental organizations, private sector organizations and national and international organizations within the framework of the interests of the country.

To ensure professional ethics and solidarity among exporters.

Providing assistance to the existing education and training institutions related to the sector, pioneering and contributing to the establishment of new ones, provided that TIM's opinion and approval of the Undersecretariat is obtained.

To perform other duties related to foreign trade to be assigned by TIM. The General Secretariat of Black Sea Exporters' Unions has a Liaison Office in Samsun.

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