How to Save Money and Control Costs in Your Detailing Business

Running a successful detailing business means being mindful of your expenses and finding ways to save money. In this video, we'll discuss some staple and tools that can help you control costs in your detailing business.

Using Super Clean Degreaser

One of the staple products I want to highlight is Super Clean Degreaser. This product is versatile and can be used on tire sidewalls, wheel wells, and even engines. By diluting it in a pump spray bottle, you can use it generously without worrying about the cost. This helps you avoid over-purchasing expensive products and allows you to use as much as you need without constantly trying to conserve it.

Versatility of Products

When it comes to products like foam cannons and car soaps, versatility is key. Having a product that can be used in multiple applications not only saves you money but also makes your detailing process more efficient. Products like McGuire's hyper wash offer great dilutability and versatility for both foam cannons and traditional wash buckets, making it a cost-effective option for detailers.

Dilutable Water-Based Dressings

Another important product for detailers is a dilutable water-based dressing. It can be used on wheel wells, tire sidewalls, and even interior surfaces, allowing you to use a lot of it without breaking the bank. By choosing a product that can be diluted and purchased in larger quantities, you can keep your costs down while still achieving great results.


Controlling costs in your detailing business is crucial for long-term success. By being mindful of the products and tools you use, and opting for versatile, cost-effective options, you can save money without compromising on the quality of your work. To explore the products mentioned in this video further, you can check out the YouTube description for more information.

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Comentarios sobre:Minimiza gastos: ¡No gastes más!"

  1. @Shadowman... dice:

    This guy should have been a radio personality because he talks a mile a minute. Here's some dialogue for ya ~ Manufacturer suggested retail price on tax title and destination charges extra . Factory to dealer incentives may effect MSRP , Some assembly required , batteries not included. Jokes aside – I learned a lot from this channel.

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